Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Updates: Science Fair and Progress

Science Fair:
About a week ago, the Adhesion Legion decided on members who are going to attend the science fair: Nasim, Lisa, and Artur. Other than that, I've been working on the research plan and it is finally complete! I'll need someone to look at it, but it's basically done. So, success!

Over the past week, working on the research plan for the science fair has helped me understand what we are exactly going to do! On the last friday that we visited UMass, the group decided to work with normal force. The experimental design involves compliance, which we all know means the stretchiness of an object. There are four springs attached to and holding up a horizontal plexi-glass plane. The adhesive is stuck to the bottom (or top, depending on which direction we're going to pull), and is pulled down. We can either pull it by hand or use the bucket of sand idea that UMass gave us. Both ways work. The failure force is recorded for a variety of spring compliances. We determine the compliance at which the adhesive works best and relate the compliance to an actual surface. Eventually, we'll be working with a variety of adhesives.

I think all we have to do now is actually make the contraption we'll be using. Unfortunately, I have class after school until November 16, so I can't stay after for more than 10 minutes. But I hope that won't stop any of the Adherers from staying after to put it together.

-Nasim Cheraghi

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