
The Adhesion group has decided to work with compliance and normal force. An image of the current experimental design (not yet made) is shown below.

----The design that we decided on is similar to the first image. Some differences: the adhesive will be circular; there will be another same-size glass attached to the top of the adhesive; the top glass will be attached to a pulley system; the bucket is at the end of the pulley system.

The FIRST IMAGE is a design involving upward normal force (November):

Here are a few images of the finalized design (January 26):

Updated design involves metal bars (with bearings) allowing the system to move up and down smoothly. The pulleys are supported by a thin metal/plywood plane attached to the side of the design (January 17):

December version of the design included the addition of a pulley system:

November version of the design began with the decision to work with an upward normal force. This was a rough idea of what we planned to work with:

The SECOND IMAGE is a design involving downward normal force: